Rāwhiti OSCAR

Rāwhiti OSCAR offers after school care to working parents in the Greater New Brighton area
School pick ups from Rāwhiti School, New Brighton Catholic and South New Brighton School.
We are WINZ approved and have MSD Te Kahui Kahu accreditation for up to 60 tamariki.

Eastern Hub, 9 Rāwhiti Avenue, New Brighton
Pricing available on Enrolmy
Monday - Friday 3pm - 6pm

About us: 

The Rāwhiti Oscar programme has been running since 2013. It was set up to offer a service to working parents of the community and to offer fun and entertaining sessions to the children that attend. We are now running from The Eastern Hub, 9 Rāwhiti Avenue. 

Because of our background in sport this is one of the focuses of our programme. Everyday children will have the option to participate in high quality physical education session with one of our staff members. Children also are given assistance with their homework by a staff member during the allocated homework time.

The Supervisors and Staff are employed to provide a safe, stimulating, caring and comfortable environment for the children, taking into account every child's  individual needs.

Activities we do: 

- Go to Thomson Park 

- Birthday Celebrations 

- Bonus opportunities (Basketball, Pickleball and Football drop in clinics) 

- Arts and Crafts 

- Games and Activities

- Drop off to practices at Rāwhiti Domain and Eastern Canopy for sports and Eastern Touch



Oscar Manager
Phone 0274640005 or email sheena@easterncommunity.co.nz

The physical activities we run range from running and tagging games, to playing a sport such as cricket or hockey. During the summer we also take the kids swimming.

For the more creative children we have many projects running at any one time. From board games and painting pictures to sewing their own sock monkey and even creating a street!


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© Eastern Community Sport and Recreation Inc | Connecting Communities 2025