Ascot Hub

The Hub is warm and accessible with plenty of off street parking.
It is an ideal location for kids birthday parties with a patio area outside and close to the playground in the reserve.

12 Ascot Avenue, North New Brighton, Christchurch
$30 per hour
Available from 8am - 10pm, subject to availability

Ascot Hub is a fully accessible venue with indoor and outdoor facilities.

Enjoy your next daytime event or workshop in a peaceful location with lovely outlook.

Plenty of off street parking in a quiet street. 

Baby change table available and the hard floor area great for messy play setups. The Ascot Hub offers a range of activities for Older Adults.

Venue hire includes chairs, tables and use of the kitchen facilities. You are required to clean the facilities after your event.

Programmes on offer include:

GENTLE YOGA - Yoga with Chrissie McNeill. Check out in our What's On tab for more details. Classes run on Monday nights.

STRENGTH, BALANCE & MOVEMENT with Michelle Durham for older adults, Tuesdays 9 - 10am. Call Michelle on p 021 881588 to enquire about booking.

NEW BRIGHTON PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:30pm. Check out the club details at or see the Current programme

ASCOT PETANQUE CLUB: Tuesdays and Friday 9.30 am-12 noon (all equipment plus instructions are provided) $20.00 per year
Call Dennis 021 342854 for more details.

ASCOT LEISURE CLUB a weekly club for older adults featuring a wide range of activities from guest speakers, indoor games and outings. A great opportunity to meet new people, try new things and enjoy yourself in a relaxed, fun environment. Meet on a Thursday 1 pm to 3pm, cost $4.00 which includes afternoon tea.

 Private hire is available for children's parties and daytime events. 

Hire rate is $30 per hour. Please ensure you include time for setup and cleaning with your request to hire. Please read our Ascot-Hub-Hire-Terms-Conditions

Outdoor bouncy castles can be set up outdoors on the lawn but not inside the building.

To check availability for private hire contact Kate on email:


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